Flexible organic plugging material is a material used to block pipelines or seal leaks, which has softness, elasticity, and plasticity. It can adapt to surfaces of different shapes and fill gaps and cracks
Flexible organic plugging material is a material used to block pipelines or seal leaks, usually composed of a mixture of organic polymers and fillers. This material has softness, elasticity, and plasticity, which can adapt to surfaces of different shapes
brownish red
Fireproof mud is a specialized building material mainly used to prevent the spread of fires and prevent fire isolation. It is usually composed of cement, lightweight aggregate fireproof filler, and special flame retardant additives, with good thermal insulation and fire resistance performance.
The main uses of fireproof mud include:
Fire isolation: Applying or injecting fire clay into structural voids, pipelines, cable crossings, and other locations inside buildings can effectively isolate the spread of flames and smoke, protecting building structures and personnel safety.
Fire sealing: Filling cracks and gaps in walls, floors, ceilings, etc. with fireproof mud can achieve the function of fire sealing and isolation, preventing the spread of fire.
Fireproof sealing: Wrapping fireproof mud around flammable materials such as pipes, cables, and air ducts can provide fire protection and effectively reduce the occurrence and harm of fires.
Repair and maintenance: Fireproof mud can also be used to repair and maintain fireproof coatings, fireproof doors and windows, and other fireproof facilities, ensuring that their fireproof performance is always in good condition.
Overall, fireproof mud has important applications in construction engineering and fire protection, providing effective fire protection, reducing fire risks, and ensuring the safety of personnel and property.