Polyvinyl alcohol construction industry's right-hand man
Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) is a water-soluble polymer.
Polyvinyl alcohol is made from polyvinyl acetate by alcoholysis. It has good water solubility, film forming property, bonding property and emulsification property.
It is widely used in many fields

In the field of construction, every material used is related to the quality and safety of construction projects. The performance of polyvinyl alcohol in building adhesives is excellent, and it has become a useful assistant in the construction industry.

Whether it is wood, stone or metal and other materials bonding, it can provide a strong and lasting adhesive force.

In building mortar, adding polyvinyl alcohol can improve the workability and water retention of mortar, make the construction more smooth, improve the construction efficiency, can significantly shorten the construction period and reduce the cost.

Polyvinyl alcohol also plays an important role in the improvement of building waterproof materials. It enhances the flexibility and anti-aging properties of the waterproof material and prolongs the service life of the waterproof system. In the roof waterproof treatment, the waterproof material modified by PVA can withstand the test of climate change and provide long-term effective protection for the building.

Our ground PVA powder products are carefully developed and rigorously tested to meet the diverse needs of the construction industry. Let PVA escort your construction project!