Hua'ou XPS foam board


XPS Board, also known as extruded polystyrene board, is a type of rigid foam plastic board that is manufactured through a heating and extrusion process. It is primarily composed of polystyrene resin and other additives, resulting in a material with a continuous and uniform surface as well as a closed-cell honeycomb structure.

XPS Board has excellent thermal insulation properties, thanks to its closed-cell structure with over 99% closure rate. This effectively avoids air movement and heat dissipation, ensuring long-lasting and stable insulation performance.

With its special structure, XPS Board boasts high compressive strength and impact resistance, ranging from 150 to 500 Kpa depending on its type and thickness. This allows it to withstand various ground loads, making it suitable for applications in geothermal engineering, highways, airport runways, and more.

XPS Board has a low water absorption rate, making it an excellent choice for moisture-prone environments. Its moisture resistance helps maintain its insulation and compressive properties over time.

XPS Board is widely used in various applications, including:

  • Wall insulation
  • Roof insulation for concrete and steel structures
  • Moisture protection for low-temperature storage areas, parking platforms, airport runways, and highways
  • Frost heave control
The XPS Board market is expected to continue growing due to increasing demand from the construction industry, particularly with the acceleration of urbanization and the booming real estate market. Additionally, the growing emphasis on energy conservation and environmental protection has further propelled the adoption of XPS Board as a superior insulation material.

With technological advancements, XPS Board is being produced with improved insulation performance and durability, meeting the diverse needs of construction projects. Innovations such as flame-retardant coatings are also being developed to enhance the fire safety of XPS Board.

In conclusion, XPS Board is a versatile and effective insulation material that offers numerous benefits for various applications. Its market prospects remain promising due to ongoing technological innovations and the growing demand for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly building materials.